Goats Milk for Dogs: A Guide on This Emerging Trend

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Dogs, like humans, have shown a higher prevalence of allergies and digestive issues with the increase in processed foods. Looking for more natural options, various trends have been responsible for the introduction of homemade dog food, raw dog food, and grain-free dog food. Goats milk for dogs is often used for bottle feeding puppies; however, now the newest uses involve the supplementation of adult dog meals.
All pet owners know the importance of assessing the needs of each pet individually because they know the same thing may not work for all dogs.
But with that being said…goats milk for dogs has a unique makeup that allows it to be used successfully for a variety of animals and health issues.
What is Goats Milk for Dogs?
Goats milk for dogs is gaining popularity as an addition to both kibble and homemade diets.
The raw diet community is especially enthusiastic about the possible health benefits. Goat milk is often used in formulas for bottle feeding orphaned puppies. The new trends are geared towards adult dogs, as well.
Goats milk can be purchased at many health stores, as well as secured from farm supply stores.
Allergies are less likely with goat milk, and digestion is easier.
Health benefits include improvement of heavy metal poisoning, kidney disease, and diabetes.
As with any human supplement, some veterinarians would like more research before they endorse the use of goat milk in a regular diet. Raw diets for dogs are on the rise, and raw goat milk is often a regular part of these diets. Avid users of goat milk speak highly of its benefits and results.
Cow Milk vs. Raw Goat Milk: What to Know
All animals have different dietary needs and digestive systems. Animals may have difficulty when given milk from a different species.
Cow milk is linked to many allergies and digestive issues.
Lactose intolerance is a common problem, as well.
Countries have varying degrees of goat milk consumption; however, it is the most widely use form of milk around the globe.
Alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin proteins may be linked to allergies resulting from cow’s milk. Another allergy-inducing protein by the name of Alpha-s-1-casein protein is also present in cow milk. This protein is decreased in goats milk if any is present at all.
Digestion is another issue when it comes to cow milk.
The heat from pasteurization removes the lactase enzyme necessary for the body to process lactose. Safety regulations require pasteurization for all cow milk sold in stores. Raw milk is illegal to sell for human consumption.
It can, however, be purchased for animals. Some people and animals do not naturally make the lactase enzyme, and therefore are deemed lactose intolerant.
Dogs can be afflicted by the same complications. Animals with lactose intolerance usually do well with raw milk, however. Goats milk only takes about 20 minutes to completely digest. This makes dogs much more comfortable than waiting out the longer digestive process with cow milk.
What Does Goats Milk for Dog’s Do for Their Health?
Goats milk is used for the preventative care, as well as the treatment of specific issues. It can be used to put weight on a dog that has been mistreated and is lacking nutrition. Illnesses involving the kidneys and urinary tract benefit immensely from raw goats milk.
Allergies, cancer, and digestive issues are all included in the treatable health issues, as well. The body does not have to work as hard to break down raw goats milk compared to other dairy products. This makes it ideal for situations where digestive difficulties, and even the liver, are involved.
New theories are considering the benefits of goats milk for cancer, as well.
Protein, Digestive Enzymes, Vitamins, and More!
Protein is an important part of diets for underweight dogs.
Many ill or rescued animals need extra protein to resume a healthy weight. Goats milk offers a significant amount of protein and can be added as a supplement. Digestion is assisted by the lactase enzyme that remains in unpasteurized milk.
Goats milk is rich in calcium and riboflavin. Phosphorus, potassium, and B12 are also present in substantial amounts. The dietary benefits are lengthy and it is well worth the effort to acquire this raw substance.
Food Never Tasted so Good!
Dogs are likely to take better to goats milk than cow’s milk. Young puppies can thrive on a formula made with raw goats milk. Dogs that are having trouble eating can benefit from the extra flavor added to their food. Goats milk mixed with food is often the incentive that an ill or aging dog needs.
Young puppies learning to eat solid food often eat better when goats milk is added to their wet food. The familiarity of mother’s milk can help them to transition better.
Benefits of Goats Milk for Dogs
The benefits of goats milk for dogs are endless.
Goats milk is high in proteins, vitamins, and probiotics. The raw version is best for treating a variety of illnesses. Digestive issues and dog allergies are among the many ailments that goats milk may alleviate. It can be used regularly as a preventative supplement or occasionally to treat temporary ailments.
Goats Milk Kefir: 411 on This (Almost) Goat Milk Yogurt
The addition of kefir to your dog’s diet is an excellent way to balance out the yeast in their bodies.
Excessive yeast can be caused by processed foods that are high in sugar. Dog food that offers more grains or byproducts than pure protein can also be a culprit. This rich version of goats milk also restores proper function to the nervous system and kidneys.
Kefir is available in many grocery stores; however, it is best to find a local farmers market that supplies it. This ensures that it is organic and made from raw milk. Kefir is a fermented form of milk that is similar to yogurt. It is drinkable, like the milk, but the health benefits are increased.
Kefir is packed full of over 30 versions of yeast and good bacteria. Kefir is made from a starter pack of yeast and bacteria, called “grains” that form a reaction to the milk, causing it to ferment.
Goats Milk for Dogs Might Not Work for All Dogs
As with any food or dairy product, it is important to be cautious when your pet is involved.
Allergies can happen with any food. Goats milk should be introduced slowly and your bet should be watched for any negative reaction. Most dogs benefit from the addition of goats milk, however, there are always exceptions.
Raw Goats Milk for Dogs vs. Powdered Goats Milk for Dogs: The Main Difference!
Raw goats milk is always the best choice for nutritional and health benefits.
The acids in the digestive tract react differently to raw milk as opposed to the powdered version. The probiotics may not serve their purpose when consumed in powdered form because they are abolished in the digestive tract. Any amount of processing can change goats milk and lessen the health benefits.
It is, however, usually better to choose a goats milk formula over a cow’s milk formula, even in powdered form. One example of is powdered formula mix for puppies.
Can Dogs Eat Goat Cheese Instead?
Raw milk or kefir are the best supplements for your dog. Goat cheese, however, does have the benefit of causing less digestive issues than regular cheese. It still has the lactase enzymes that make goats milk a better option. Goat cheese may be good for a treat, but not a substitute for raw milk and kefir.
Goats Milk for Dogs is a Supplement Rich in Probiotics
Probiotics offer a myriad of benefits for your dog.
Kefir is the best source of probiotics when it comes to goats milk. Probiotics for dogs are important for preventative health measures. Dogs with recurrent allergies and skin issues can be given goats milk or kefir as a supplement to provide probiotics. Yeast is one of the most common problems that is easily remedied with regular probiotic ingestion.
Dogs with skin problems are often suffering from yeast that has gone undiagnosed. Probiotic use is best when offered daily.
Goats milk is an excellent option for preventing and treating illness in dogs. The health benefits are numerous, including allergy relief, digestive care, and healthy kidney function.
Goats milk is easy to add to your pet’s diet as a supplement. It can be mixed with dry, wet, and homemade food. Raw goats milk is an excellent addition to an existing raw diet, as well. Head on out to your local farmer’s market and purchase a bottle today!