CBD Dosage Calculator: Dosage for Cats and Dogs

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The CBD dosage calculator is a practical estimation tool that helps determine the right CBD oil dosage for pets. A CBD oil dosage chart is helpful, but calculators do the math automatically and save time.
The CBD calculator helps in estimating the closest starting dose. The CBD dose for pets is not absolute. The recommended dose of CBD for pets is between 0.1 to 0.5 milligrams per pound. Adjust the quantity to determine the optimum amount for cat and dog health.
CBD is a natural compound, a phytocannabinoid, derived from the hemp plant. CBD replaces the animal’s endocannabinoids (ECS) and interacts with the receptors. The interplay replicates the ECS’s normal functioning and supports animal wellness. CBD is safe and does not cause overdoses. Dogs and cats get sleepy if given too much CBD.
What is a CBD Dosage Calculator?
A CBD dosage calculator is an estimator that determines the right amount of CBD based on specific factors, such as body weight, potency, need, etc.
Many pet cannabis brands offer CBD dosage calculators. They are user-friendly and easy to navigate. Once the required specifications regarding the pet and CBD product are entered, the calculator estimates the baseline CBD dose.
Why is It Necessary to Calculate the Right CBD Dosage?
The right CBD dosage for a pet is necessary to calculate to provide the benefits without the side effects. Most CBD side effects are dose-dependent, meaning they are more likely to occur and more severe when the pet is given higher CBD doses.
Pets do not overdose on pure, high-quality CBD oil. Dogs and cats react negatively when given excessive CBD doses and often sleep when they consume large CBD quantities. Avoid adverse CBD effects by using a CBD dosage calculator.
What is the Recommended Dosage of CBD for a Large-Sized Dog?
The recommended CBD dosage for large-sized dogs (over 50 pounds of body weight or 24 inches in height) is around 15 milligrams daily. Large-sized dogs include American Foxhounds, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bulldogs, Bull Terriers, Boxers, German Shepard dogs, and Greyhounds. The CBD dosage calculator determines the CBD dosage by weight and can estimate a higher dose of CBD for dogs if the dog requires a stronger effect.
What is the Recommended Dosage of CBD for a Medium-Sized Dog?
The recommended CBD dosage for medium-sized dogs (25 to 50 pounds of body weight and eight to 27 inches in height ) is around 10 milligrams each day. Medium-sized dogs include Australian Cattle Dogs, Brittanys, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Cocker Spaniels, and German Pinschers. It is the standard CBD dosage by weight. Determine the appropriate starting CBD amount by using a CBD dosage calculator and Increase or decrease the CBD dosage as necessary.
What is the Recommended Dosage of CBD for a Small-Sized Dog?
The recommended CBD dosage for small-sized dogs (less than 25 pounds of body weight and six to 18 inches in height) is around 5 milligrams per day. Small-sized dogs include Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Japanese Chin, Lakeland Terriers, Papillions, Pekingese, and Pomeranians. Use a CBD oil dosage chart or calculator to determine the exact amount to use for small-breed dogs.
What is the Recommended Dosage of CBD for Cats?
The recommended dosage of CBD for cats is between 2.5 and 5 milligrams per 10 pounds of body weight. It is the standard dose, and depending on the cat’s response and the underlying cause for using CBD supplements, the amount is adjustable.
A CBD dosage calculator or chart gives cat owners a specific dose amount based on the cat’s weight.
What is CBD?
CBD (cannabidiol) is a phytocannabinoid extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis is an umbrella term that includes several plants, such as hemp, marijuana, and ruderalis.
CBD for pets is always made from the hemp plant. Hemp is rich in cannabidiol and other health-boosting cannabinoids while low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Hemp CBD supplements for animals are available in different forms, but CBD oil and CBD treats are the most popular options.
Pet owners are able to calculate the frequency and milligram dosage of CBD for their animals by using a CBD calculator.
Is it Possible to Increase the Dosage of CBD for Animal Ailments?
Yes, it is safe and possible to increase the dosage of CBD for animal ailments. A CBD calculator provides a CBD dose for treating conditions in animals. Increase the dosage slowly and gradually. Stay within the maximum dose recommended in the dosage calculator.
Increase the amount by 50% if you have a 10-pound pet that does not respond well to the 10 mg CBD dose. Give 15 mg of CBD to the pet the next day.
Raise the dose another 50% and give 20 mg of CBD to the animal if there is no improvement. Increasing the CBD dose is safe until the maximum dose for the pet’s body weight is reached.
Is there a CBD Dosage Calculator Online?
Yes, there are CBD dosage calculators online. Many pet CBD brands offer calculators and give clear instructions on how to use them. Other brands offer a CBD treat or CBD oil dosage chart.
What Properties Does CBD Have that is Good for the Wellness of Animals?
Animal CBD has calming, anti-seizure and anti-cancer properties. CBD promotes relaxation and helps with anxiety and stress in animals. CBD reduces pain, inflammation, and allergies and supports appetite, good sleep, and strong immunity.
Hemp CBD for pets exerts its beneficial properties through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a regulatory system that manages vital body functions and supports health. It consists of three elements: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes.
CBD replaces the body’s endocannabinoids and interacts with the receptors. The interaction mimics the regular functioning of the ECS and supports health and balance.
Many studies show that CBD improves wellness in humans. Humans share the same ECS as other mammals, meaning the benefits of CBD in humans are expected in dogs and cats; however, studying the effects of CBD in animals is still in its earlier phases compared to humans.
A CBD calculator allows pet owners to determine the initial CBD dose for their animals.
The studies of properties promoting wellness in animals are explained below.
- Frontiers in Veterinary Science conducted a study titled “Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs” in 2018. The study divided the dogs into two groups, one receiving a daily dose of 2 or 8 mg of CBD per kilo and the other group receiving a placebo. The study lasted for four weeks and concluded there are “no side effects” following the use of dog CBD oil.
- The Scientific Report study “A Report of Adverse Effects Associated With the Administration of Cannabidiol in Healthy Dogs” reported CBD was “well tolerated in dogs” the same year. The study included 30 healthy Beagles that were given 10 or 20 mg of CBD per kilo per day in the form of CBD capsules, CBD oils, or CBD transdermal cream. The study lasted for six weeks.
- The National Center for Biotechnology Information published a study, “Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Safety Assessment with Use of CBD-Rich Hemp Nutraceutical in Healthy Dogs and Cats,” 2019. During the study, eight dogs and eight cats were given 2 mg of CBD twice a day for a period of 12 weeks. The study showed that “CBD-rich hemp nutraceuticals appear to be safe in healthy adult dogs, while more work in cats is needed to fully understand utility and absorption.”
- The National Center for Biotechnology Information, in a study, “Preliminary Investigation of the Safety of Escalating Cannabinoid Doses in Healthy Dogs,” in 2020, reported that “dogs tolerated dose escalation of the CBD oil well.” The study was performed on 10 male and 10 female healthy Beagles who were given an escalating dose of CBD.
- Frontiers in Veterinary Science published a study titled “Long-term daily feeding of cannabidiol is well-tolerated by healthy dogs” in 2022. The study found that CBD is “well tolerated in clinically healthy dogs for a duration of 6 months.” During the study, the dogs were given broad-spectrum CBD oil at the amount of 4 mg per kilo of body weight.
How to Calculate the Right Dosage of CBD for Your Pets Based on Weight?
To calculate the right dosage of CBD for your pets based on weight, multiply the amount recommended by the animal’s weight. The recommended dose of CBD for pets is between 0.1 to 0.5 milligrams per pound.
CBD oil products are available in different strengths. The next step is to calculate the amount of CBD oil required based on how many milligrams of CBD are per milliliter of oil.
A CBD dosage calculator assists pet owners in determining the appropriate dosage based on the animal’s weight.
Start with a lower CBD dose and then increase it if necessary.
For example, assume the pet’s body weight is 25 pounds. Giving 0.2 mg of CBD per pound is a safe place to start. The weight (25 pounds) multiplied by the CBD dose per pound (0.2 mg) is 5, meaning that the pet’s CBD dose is 5 milligrams.
The exact CBD oil must give depends on its strength:
- CBD oil with 2.5 mg CBD per milliliter: The recommended dose is 2 milliliters (equals 5 mg)
- CBD oil with 5 mg CBD per milliliter: The recommended dose is 1 milliliter (equals 5 mg)
- CBD oil with 10 mg CBD per milliliter: The recommended dose is half a milliliter (equals 5 mg)
- CBD oil with 20 mg CBD per milliliter: The recommended dose is a quarter of a milliliter (equals 5 mg)
Where Does CBD Come From?
Pet CBD comes from the hemp plant. CBD is found in all cannabis plants, such as hemp, marijuana, and ruderalis. Each plant has a different cannabinoid profile.
Hemp is rich in health-boosting CBD and low in THC. Marijuana is low in CBDs and high in THC. THC is toxic to animals and, in severe cases, even fatal.
All CBD supplements for pets are sourced from hemp and not from marijuana. Hemp CBD products contain less than 0.3% of THC, which is safe. A CBD dose calculator allows pet owners to determine the correct starting dosage.
What are the Benefits of CBD for Animals?
The benefits of CBD for animals are listed below.
- Natural Product: Pet CBD is a natural supplement that exerts its effects through the endocannabinoid system. It is safe for long-term use and works well when combined with mainstream treatments.
- Benign Side Effects: CBD for pets rarely causes side effects. Adverse events are benign and are manageable through CBD dosage adjustment.
- Applications: CBD oil and treats for animals have several benefits and suitable for various situations, such as pain management, anxiety, seizures, inflammation control, etc. Cannabinoids promote good sleep and appetite while reducing nausea and vomiting.
- Ready Availability: Pet CBD supplements come readily available and do not require a veterinary prescription. They are found in pet stores and online.
- Straightforward Use: CBD products for pets come in many forms, and ease of use is one of the main benefits of CBD for animals. CBD dosage calculators enable pet owners to find the correct amount quickly. CBD treats and CBD oil for dogs and cats are the easiest to use and most popular choices.
What are the Side Effects of CBD for Animals?
The side effects of CBD for animals are listed and reviewed below.
- Lethargy: Pet CBD causes lethargy, especially when administered in large doses. Lethargy is a dose-dependent side effect and is manageable through lowering the CBD dose.
- Dizziness: Dizziness or lightheadedness occur if a pet is given CBD for humans. CBD for humans often contains THC, which is toxic to pets. Dizziness is an effect of low-quality, impure pet CBDs with more than 0.3% of THC.
- Dry Mouth: CBD reduces saliva production, resulting in xerostomia or dry mouth. A dry mouth in pets is uncomfortable and results in bad breath and poor dental health.
- Vomiting: CBD triggers vomiting in some pets. It is the effect of the CBD itself, the carrier oil in the product, or the naturally bitter taste of cannabis supplements.
- Diarrhea: Diarrhea is a common CBD side effect. The carrier oil (hemp seed oil, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), or coconut oil) used in the CBD product causes diarrhea in pets.
- Upset Stomach: CBD upsets the stomach of some sensitive pets. Introduce the CBD gradually to reduce the risk of stomach upset. Stomach issues in cats and dogs manifest with vomiting and diarrhea.
- Decreased Liver Enzymes: Pet CBD inhibits the production of liver enzymes vital for breaking down medications. The inhibition of liver enzymes affects the metabolism of some drugs in animals.
- Increased Tremors: CBD increases tremors in very rare cases. It is well-documented in humans, but tremors as side effects of CBD to animals are exceptional.
- Itchiness: CBD causes itching in animals when given in large doses. The itching manifests in the animal scratching and biting at the itch. Lower the dosage until the itching stops.
- Low Blood Pressure: CBD for pets causes a temporary blood pressure drop. Low blood pressure is medically termed hypotension and manifests with lightheadedness and lethargy.
Always use a CBD dosage calculator to minimize side effects.
What will Happen if you give too much CBD Dosage to your Dog?
Dogs become drowsy if you give too much CBD dosage. Hemp CBD for dogs decreases blood pressure and causes lethargy in large dosages. The dog sleeps as the CBD amount in the dog reduces. A CBD dosage calculator minimizes the risk of giving a dog too much CBD.
THC intoxication occurs if a dog consumes marijuana-sourced CBD products intended for humans. THC poisoning occurs when utilizing low-quality and impure pet CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC concentration.
Carlton Gyles wrote “Marijuana for Pets?” in the Canadian Veterinary Journal 2016. Gyles says in the paper that dogs have a larger number of cannabinoid receptors in the brain than humans, which is why they are more susceptible to THC.
How Can You Treat Your Dog That Has Been Given an Overdose CBD?
Dogs that have overdosed on hemp CBD do not need any particular treatment. There are two key things that pet owners are able to do: A peaceful resting environment and clean drinking water.
Use a CBD dosage calculator to avoid CBD inundation in dogs.
Go to a veterinarian if a dog consumes too much marijuana, CBD oil, or products intended for people. THC is harmful or lethal to animals when given in substantial doses.
Should CBD be Taken Regularly?
Yes, CBD for pets works best when taken regularly, on a daily basis. Consistency is vital for CBD use. Regular use allows the CBD to build up in the pet’s body and manifest its beneficial effects. Use a CBD dosage calculator to determine the starting amount.
Daily CBD use helps with ongoing issues such as chronic pain due to arthritis, seizures, habitual anxiety, etc. Regular pet CBD supplementation is essential for lasting outcomes in such circumstances.
Are There Any Risk-Taking CBD for Animals?
There are certain risks of CBD for animals. Some sensitive pets are allergic to the CBD or the supplement’s ingredients. CBD allergies are relatively rare. A CBD dosage calculator allows owners to determine the appropriate dosage for their animals easily.
Pet CBD oils and treats boost or inhibit the effects of certain medications. Consult a veterinarian if the pet is taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
CBD supplements increase bleeding. Increased bleeding is not a problem unless a pet is undergoing surgery. Stop using CBD in pets several days before and after surgical procedures.
Is CBD Safe for Pets?
Yes, CBD is safe for pets. CBD “appears safe to be used on pets,” according to The Anti-Cruelty Society.
The Annual Reviews of Animal Biosciences released a paper in 2023 titled “Scientific Validation of Cannabidiol for Management of Dog and Cat Diseases.” The findings showed that “CBD appears to have good bioavailability and safety profile with few side effects.”
The frequently asked question is, “Is CBD safe for animals,” and the answer is yes. Pet CBD oil and treats are made from hemp and free from the “high”-inducing THC. Use a CBD dosage calculator to ensure pets are given the safest dose.