Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Find Out if Almonds are Bad for Dogs

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It is well-known that a handful of nuts is an excellent, healthy snack for humans. While you’re enjoying your almonds, it’s natural to wonder, “Can dogs eat almonds?” Ask that question to your dog and they are most likely to reply, “Can dogs eat almonds? We sure can, and we love them!”
However, this is another example – like grapes and raisins – of a food that dogs enjoy eating but that may not necessarily be the best nutritional choice for your pet.
Can Dogs Eat Almonds?
Can dogs eat almonds?
Technically, yes. Dogs tend to love eating almonds, and they are not necessarily toxic to dogs. However, that doesn’t mean that almonds and other nuts are a good choice of dog food. In fact, when wondering can dogs eat almonds, keep in mind that almonds – like macadamia nuts – can present a choking hazard and can even cause diarrhea, vomiting, or pancreatitis in dogs.
Are Almonds Safe for Dogs?
Can dogs eat almonds? Yes, but the better question might be, are almonds a safe food for dogs?
Not exactly.
Even though your dog may love the taste of almonds and other nuts, that doesn’t mean that the answer to the question can dogs eat almonds, is yes. Unfortunately for your nut-loving dog, a dog’s digestive system simply is not designed to cope with nuts – whether almonds, hickory nuts, black walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, or cashews.
Are Almonds Healthy or Toxic? Breaking down the Nutrients
After all, we’ve been told that nuts are healthy for humans, so it stands to reason that they would also be safe for dogs. Indeed, almonds and other nuts are an excellent food for humans to eat. Despite being high in fat, almonds are a good source of antioxidants and vitamin E for humans, which can help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
But can dogs eat almonds? Before you start feeding your dog almonds and other nuts, understand that dogs do not get the same nutritional benefits from almonds as humans do. Instead, nuts can cause:
- upset stomach
- abdominal pain
- kidney failure
- even neurological symptoms
So they are never safe to feed your dog, not even just as a treat.
Dogs Need Their Daily Minerals and Vitamins too!
There is no doubt that dogs have as much of a need for daily vitamins and minerals as humans do. In fact, just like humans, dogs require vitamins A, B, B12, C, D, E, K, and choline. But can dogs eat almonds and other nuts to fulfill their nutritional needs? Definitely not!
A dog’s digestive system is not designed to cope with nuts, even if they are not fed in large amounts. This means that dogs need to get their daily vitamins and minerals from other less-toxic food sources. The good news is that the vitamins and minerals dogs require can typically be found in common foods that dogs love to eat, like meat, fruits, and vegetables.
In addition – while it is always best to check the label – most dog foods labeled as complete food sources will contain all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs.
What Vegetables/Fruits can Dogs Eat?
Dogs may not be able to eat walnuts, chocolate, xylitol, onions, or a variety of other common human foods as part of their regular diet, but there are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are not only safe for dogs to eat but which provide plenty of nutrition and which most dogs enjoy.
Instead of dog treats with a high-fat content and which can cause stomach upsets and other unsettling symptoms, pass your dog one of the following fruits and vegetables that are perfectly safe and highly recommended for dogs to eat:
Feeding Your Dog Almonds: Possible Side Effects!
Almonds are not suitable dog treats, and feeding almonds dog can cause vomiting, pancreatitis, and even seizures. Firstly, almonds are a potential choking hazard for dogs of all sizes, but particularly for small breed dogs.
Next, since many nuts are high in salt, this can result in your dog retaining water, causing an upset stomach or even vomiting. Finally, almonds can cause gastrointestinal upset and even pancreatitis, which can be extremely dangerous for dogs and which requires urgent vet attention.
Eat All The Things: Food Dog Can Eat
We’ve established that dogs shouldn’t eat almonds, but there are plenty of human foods that dogs love and which are very healthy for them to eat.
Cooked eggs, for example, are an excellent food for dogs and are high in essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, many dogs love salmon but make sure that it is boneless and well-cooked before feeding it to your pet. Of course, dogs love meat, and beef, turkey, pork, and chicken are all excellent, safe foods for your dog to eat.
As a treat, feel free to feed your dog bread, popcorn, and oatmeal in moderation.
Make Almonds for Dogs: The Ultimate Almonds Recipe Your Pet Will Love
While almonds are not a good food for your pet to snack on, almond butter can be suitable for some dogs, especially those with an intolerance or allergy to dairy. If your dog has allergies and can’t handle some of the more standard dog food and dog treats, they will love a batch of almond oatmeal dog biscuits. These biscuits can be baked like regular cookies in the oven and consist of:
- 1 cup of rice flour
- half a cup of oatmeal
- half a cup of almond butter
- 2 eggs, and
- 2 tablespoons of water
Dog Not Eating Almonds or Dog Won’t Eat Your Meal? 3 Tips to Help Them Out
If your dog won’t eat almonds, consider yourself lucky! But if you’re having trouble convincing your dog to eat regular, healthy food designed especially for them, there are a couple of tips you can try to encourage your dog to eat.
- Firstly, make it a family rule to never feed your dog table scraps. Not only will you have to deal with the unpleasant dog behavior of begging, but your dog may avoid dry kibble knowing that there could be some leftover steak on the menu later in the day.
- Next, feed only from your dog’s bowl. The idea is to never allow your dog to associate their food with your plates or even your hand. Picky eaters should only ever be fed from their dog bowl, helping them to understand that if they want to eat, they need to eat what’s in their bowl.
- Lastly, help your fussy eater by keeping to a strict feeding schedule. Dogs will come to know when to expect their meal, and this will help them to understand when they can expect to eat, and that there will be no other food offered at other times.
Comparing Apples and Oranges: What Can Cats Eat as Well as Dogs?
Cats are obligate carnivores and require a higher amount of protein in their diet than dogs. For this reason, the most common foods that dogs and cats can equally benefit from are those foods high in protein, especially fish and meat. Both cats and dogs can safely eat:
- chicken
- salmon
- tuna
- eggs
- sardines – provided all are well cooked and completely deboned
Just Food for Dogs: 3 Foods Your Dog Can Eat But Not Your Cat
While there are some foods that dogs and cats can equally enjoy and benefit from, cats should never be fed raw fish or raw meat, while this can be perfectly safe for dogs. In addition, raw eggs can be safe for dogs but must never be fed to cats. And although it won’t hurt your cat if they have an occasional bite of commercially prepared dog food, any more than a small amount could prove harmful.
This is because your cat could fill up on dog food, which it does not provide their full set of nutritional needs, and be too full to eat their own specially formulated cat food which does cater to a cat’s specific nutritional requirements.
What do Dogs Eat? 2 Ways to Feed Your Dog Almonds
Can dogs eat almonds? Should you feed your dog raw or cooked almonds?
As we now know, almonds do not provide any nutritional benefits for dogs and can be potentially harmful. However, one way that almonds can safely be fed to a dog in a raw form is with almond milk. While almond milk may not provide any nutritional benefits to your dog, it can be a suitable substitute for cow’s milk for dogs with a dairy allergy.
When baking dog treats, it is fine to use almond butter instead of regular butter, particularly if your dog has an allergy or intolerance to dairy. Always choose a brand of almond butter with no sugar, salt, or xylitol.
So, Are Almonds Good for Dogs? Can Dogs have Almonds?
In a word, no.
Almonds are not necessarily toxic to dogs, but they provide no nutritional benefits and can potentially cause gastrointestinal problems or be a choking hazard for smaller dogs. So, while it may not prove a problem if your dog swooped in and ate one or two almonds that you accidentally dropped on the floor, never intentionally feed your dog almonds, and take them to the vet if you suspect they have eaten a greater quantity.